Point-in-Time Count

**Check back for information on the 2024 Point-in-Time Count & Registry Week/Magnet event**
2022 Point-in-Time Count Report
Thompson Point in Time (PiT) Count is part of a national program to identify people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. It identifies people who do not have a permanent home on the night of the count. This includes those staying in shelters, transitional housing, or experiencing outdoor homelessness.
The PiT Count is funded by Reaching Home and led by trained staff from local service agencies and community volunteers. During the count, homeless people in the community asked to participate in a short survey where their current living situation, health, and social needs are recorded.
The survey results are used to create a local homelessness report. This report helps to increase the understanding of the homeless population in Thompson. It also shows where funding is most needed. Most importantly, PiT Count numbers helps Thompson measure progress toward ending homelessness.
The PiT Count is funded by Reaching Home and led by trained staff from local service agencies and community volunteers. During the count, homeless people in the community asked to participate in a short survey where their current living situation, health, and social needs are recorded.
The survey results are used to create a local homelessness report. This report helps to increase the understanding of the homeless population in Thompson. It also shows where funding is most needed. Most importantly, PiT Count numbers helps Thompson measure progress toward ending homelessness.
Like many communities across Canada, Indigenous people are over represented in Thompson’s homeless population. Indigenous homelessness is recognized as a direct result of colonialism, structural and institutional racism, government policies and practices, and intergenerational trauma. The 2018 PiT Count found that 95% of those surveyed in Thompson identified as Indigenous, this was basically unchanged in 2022.
Over half of the people surveyed in 2018 said they had been living in Thompson for many years and fit the criteria of the chronically homeless. Chronic homelessness refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions (chronic physical or mental illness and/or substance abuse problems), who are currently homeless and have been homeless for six months or more in the past year. For example, those who have spent more than 180 nights in a shelter or place not fit for human habitation.
Over half of the people surveyed in 2018 said they had been living in Thompson for many years and fit the criteria of the chronically homeless. Chronic homelessness refers to individuals, often with disabling conditions (chronic physical or mental illness and/or substance abuse problems), who are currently homeless and have been homeless for six months or more in the past year. For example, those who have spent more than 180 nights in a shelter or place not fit for human habitation.
Together, we can end homelessness!