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Pets & Animals

The City of Thompson's Animal Control program deals with domestic pets and conventionally domestic animals that have become feral (eg. stray dogs). This includes issues like dog or cat bites, injured animals, banned breeds (requires address where animal is being housed), deceased animals found in public places, and animals running loose. 

Our Animal Control Officer can be contacted during regular business hours at 204-677-7903, or by emailing

Animal abuse and neglect is the responsibility of the Province of Manitoba, and can be reported toll-free through the province's Animal Care line. Animal Protection can be reached toll-free at 1-888-945-8001. A locally based Animal Protection Officer will respond to the concern. 

Wild animals are looked after by Manitoba Sustainable Development (formerly Manitoba Conservation), which can be reached at 204-677-6640.

Pet Registration

Registering your pet helps us ensure pets in the City of Thompson are up to date with their rabies vaccinations, and it helps us return pets who have gotten loose directly to their owners.

Cats and dogs more than four months old need to be registered. If your cat is too young to be neutered, you can still claim the spayed/neutered rate if you can provide a receipt showing you have prepaid for your pet's spay/neuter operation with a veterinarian.

Download the Animal License Form and drop it off at City Hall with proof of your pet's rabies vaccinations!

2021 Animal Registration Fees

Spayed/Neutered Dogs and Cats$25
Un-spayed/un-neutered Dogs and Cats$75
Changing Ownership$29
Replacing a Lost Tag$13

Additional fees may be levied for pets that have been impounded multiple times in the current year, have been deemed a nuisance animal, or have been designated a vicious animal within the last three years. Refer to Thompson's Fee and Fine Schedule for more information.

Animals Running Loose

We know that accidents happen and pets get loose sometimes. If your pet is registered, and you report that your pet is missing as soon as possible, our Animal Control Officer can help you find your pet, and we won't penalize you. All that we ask is residents demonstrate an earnest effort to find and retrieve their pet.

We will fine pet owners who show a consistent pattern of losing their dogs and not taking proactive steps to find them.

If you want to report a pet running at large, email

Stray Cats

It's a common conception that cats are outdoor animals. However, stray cats have a real impact on urban ecology, and the average lifespan of outdoor cats is less than a third of indoor cats. "Outdoor cats" are considered animals at large just like dogs: if you want your cat to spend time outside, they should wear a harness like a dog, or be contained to a well-built cat-io.

Sometimes stray cats become a nuisance. Animal Control doesn't usually trap animals, but we can lend you a trap for a refundable deposit. Please remember that if you trap an animal, you are responsible for its well-being until it is delivered to the humane society.

Fee and Fine
Fee and Fine