City of Thompson Emergency Plan
The City of Thompson Emergency Plan is updated annually and acts as a guide to help City staff and local, regional, provincial and federal partners deal with natural disasters and other emergencies if and when they occur.
2025 City of Thompson Emergency Plan
72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Guide
As seldom as emergencies take place, they eventually do come.
When disaster does strike, families and individuals need to be prepared for the worst: Public Safety Canada recommends that dwellings and businesses should prepare to get by on their own for at least 72 hours in the event that the disaster cripples emergency response.
The Emergency Preparedness Guide from Public Safety Canada is filled with essential information for ensuring you and your family or coworkers are safe in the event of a major disaster. The guide includes resources for understanding the risks associated with different disasters, instructions and templates for creating your own emergency preparedness plan, and essential items that should be included in emergency kits for a variety of settings and situations.
View and download Public Safety Canada’s 72-Hour Emergency Preparedness Guide below. You can also find copies at City Hall's front desk.
Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The Community Wildfire Protection Plan is designed to help prevent dangerous wildfires from starting near the City of Thompson, and to protect property and key infrastructure in the event that a wildfire does threaten city boundaries. The plan is the first of its kind in Manitoba.
The plan not only includes actions to be taken by Thompson Fire and Emergency Services and provincial fire crews, but also steps that homeowners can take to drastically reduce the risk of property loss in the event of a dangerous wildfire.
Below residents can access the wildfire mitigation plan, as well as related maps. Only part of the plan is publicly available, due to confidential information included in the complete plan.
You can also find the Power Point presentation presented to council on March 18, 2019 below.
CWPP - Wildfire Mitigation Strategy
CWPP - Wildfire Mitigation Strategy