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Licensing, Incentives, and Inspections


Along with provincial and federal licenses/permits, most businesses in Thompson require a business license to operate. This includes transient traders and contractors working on temporary projects within city limits. The license supports safety inspections, by-law enforcement, and provides critical information to the city about Thompson's economy.

There are distinct licenses for full-time businesses operating out of dedicated premises, home-based businesses, and hobbyists making modest incomes with their hobbies. The cost of licenses varies depending on the nature of the business, and can be found starting on page 16 of Thompson's annually-updated Fee and Fine Schedule.

Prospective business owners can review the Business Licensing By-Law here, though new business owners should discuss licensing directly with our licensing inspector at 204-677-7901.

Incentives for Business Properties

Property-owning businesses can take advantage of tax rebates for property developments, including new developments and significant upgrades to existing structures.

When a property is renovated or upgraded, the property tax typically goes up as a result of increased value. The incentive rebates all or part of the increase associated with the City of Thompson's mill rate for a period of five years, distributed according to the chart below.

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Re-development100% of assessed increase50% of assessed increase
New Development50% of assessed increase

For a full description of the program, benefits, and limitations, download the Financial Assistance Program flyer at the link below.

Financial Assistance Program for Businesses

Fee and Fine
Fee and Fine